One of the very first among the BN folks to wake up and realize the power of the 'Net, and is not deploying half-hearted sites just for show. He allows comments (supportive or otherwise) to be made on his sites, although it must be noted that his site administrators did initially delete "unfavourable posts" and "by accident". We pointed this out to Dr Sim, and he apologized, and there were not any more removal of posts that we can note.
Here's what we think about Dr Sim. He is articulate, smart, internet savvy (or at least, his administrators and campaigners are) and he is a gentleman. In the face of massive criticisms and questions, he maintained his calm, his poise and tried to address each queries professionally.
For that, we thank Dr Sim for having such a big heart and for giving us an avenue for genuine debates and discussions. It is unfortunate, in our humble opinion, that he is a candidate for SUPP.
Dr Sim centers his election campaign on "Change From Within" and "Report Card". According to him, it's easier for him to change from inside the state government than from the outside as an opposition.

This blog will address those points soon, but there is something else that requires more urgent attention and a critical point that's strangely missing from Dr Sim's campaign -
A candidate's stand and commitments on issues affecting the rakyat, the state and the country.
We will help Dr Sim clarify these matters to make it easier for the Pending constituents to make their choices come balloting day. Dr Sim is creative with the report card style campaigning, so we shall take his lead and help him with a Q&A style questionnaire.
Dr Sim, please tell us, the rakyat, your stand on the following issues. (Seeing that you are definitely very busy in the up and coming days, we shall make this an objective Q&A, you just need to pick A, B, C, or D. If you wish to add a point of view that's not here, please feel free to pick E)
Section A : General well-being and good governance of the State and Country
1. What is your stand on corruption and misuse of public funds within the state of Sarawak?
A) I am totally against corruption, and any form of using misusing public funds for personal gains
B) I think some form of corruption exists everywhere, so I am okay as long as it's within certain threshold
C) I have no opinion about corruption and it doesn't concern me
D) I support corruption and misuse of public funds, as it is part of the Malaysian system
E) Others (please specify):
2. What is your stand and commitment on alleged political patronage, cronyism and nepotism in the top echelons of the state leadership (for example Taib awarding contracts to CMS etc)?
A) I am disgusted by such irresponsible and selfish acts if they exist, and will do everything in my power to bring up and report such acts, and bring those responsible to justice.
B) I think some form of cronyism exists everywhere, and its okay as long as it's not too obvious.
C) I have no opinion on this either way
D) I support the act of cronyism and patronage and do not think it is illegal
E) Others (please specify):
3. What is your stand and commitment on the Sarawak NCR and public land that's being routed to private companies (one of that happens to be a huge piece near BDC)?
A) I am totally against illegal land grabs anywhere in Sarawak, including Pending. I will fight tooth and nail against such people and maneuvers by the people in power.
B) All land ultimately belongs to the government, so it is a grey argument and no straight forward right or wrong
C) I have no opinions on this either way
D) I support the act of land grab and the corridors of power can route land titles anywhere they wish
E) Others (please specify)
4. What is your stand on the massive deforestation, unsustainable logging, destruction of native sacred prayer grounds, annihilation of 130 Million years old rainforests in Sarawak?
A) I am totally against these kinds of environmental destruction and will fight tooth and nail against them
B) That is an issue faced mainly by folks in the interiors of Sarawak. I'm in Pending, so it's not really under my purview
C) I have no opinion either way
D) I am all for logging and milking mother earth dry. Or else, where are we going to get income?
E) Others (please specify):
Section B : History and the 18 Points Agreement - something close to the heart of all Sarawakians
5. Do you agree that some if not most of the 18 points have been diluted over the years due to the increasing hegemony of Federal Power vis-a-vis autonomous power?
A) Fully agree and something must be done about it
B) Fully agree but that's history - We must look forward
C) Do not agree - Umno - BN fully respects the 18 Point Agreement
D) I'm Just a cardiologist, what can I do?
E) Let me change from within; I have the ears of the Premier
6. Point 15: Education: The existing educational system of Borneo (Sarawak & Sabah) should be maintained and for this reason it should be under state control. What's your take on this?
A) Our education system has been fully 'federalised' in direct violation of the 18 Point Agreement
B) No that is not true. I will tell Muhyddin to 'go fly kite' with his "Interlok" when I get elected. And I will make sure Chinese/National/Mission schools will not need Federal Approval for grants, allocations and land. I will give automatic annual grants. I will also make the state government recognize in full the Unified Examination Certificate as Education should come under Sarawak, as stated in the Agreement.
7. Selling out Sarawak's Oil to the Federal Government. Will you, as a representative of the State Government table a motion in the Council Negri, within 100 days of being elected, to nullify the State's Signatory in the Contract with Petronas and also Petition the Federal Government to repeal the Petroleum Development Act (1974) - thereby returning to the people of Sarawak what is rightfully ours? Let us henceforth and forever be beggars no more.
YES or NO?
Section C : Conduct as a representative of the people of Pending, Kuching and ultimately Sarawak
8. You mentioned that you want to change "things" from the inside if elected. What do you plan to change, exactly?
A) I want to make sure I carry out all my promises my report card - unclog more drains, roads and plant trees, build that hospital.
B) Bring down Taib Mahmud
C) I don't need to declare my conduct to anyone. It's my private matter.
D) Others (Please specify what you intend to change:)
9. As a man of your words and a gentleman, what would you do if you cannot fulfill your pledges in this Q&A here and carry out every single action plan as committed?
A) I will resign immediately
B) I will keep telling the people that I am trying my best, but "orang atasan" is not giving me leeway and hope that they will elect me again in the next election
10. You said that Pehin Seri Taib Mahmud stepping down is a foregone conclusion and old news. What happens if Pehin Sri does not step down immediately after the election?
A) I will resign as a state representative immediately
B) I will stay on and "fight from inside"
As a citizen and voter of Kuching, we have the right to know more about who we are electing to represent us. We also have the right to know what our beloved candidates' stand on this. Dr Sim, please take your time to answer our queries, and we promise to publish your answers in all blog, FB page and Twitter accounts that we have access to.
You may post the answers on your blog, FB page or twitter. Alternatively, you may send the answers via email to bnmustgo@gmail.com
We thank you again for your time, and hope to get your clarifications soon.
Please reply Dr Sim .. I would like to know too
ReplyDeleteCan you create one for Violet in all fairness since she is the incumbent.